
Five Drawings Inspired By Bathroom Flooring

Yeah, you read that right: bathroom flooring-inspired drawings. So what of it? An artist (I'll dub myself one because no one else is going to) finds inspiration in all sorts of places. Just so happens my muse show up in vinyl bathroom flooring now and again. Some people see but a flat, meaningless surface; I see faces and patterns and possibilities and my sanity slipping away. Better crazy than dull, I say.

Now, back to my day job.   



Five Observations All Made Before 8 a.m.

1. You can tell a lot about a person by watching him eat. And that's all I want to say about that.

2. The world is a great big, beautiful place with lots of room to roam. There's no reason your front bumper needs to be touching my back bumper.

3. Waking up next to someone you love always trumps waking up next to an empty space and a pillow.

4. 30 seconds of a silence watching a sunrise is better for the soul than a cup of coffee in the dark, but it's a close call.

5. There are some really interesting, introspective, genuine, giving people you'll cross paths with throughout any given day. Too bad it's the blowhards that seem to effect you most.